Jeanie Anderson » Kindergarten Skills

Kindergarten Skills

First Nine Weeks Skills
Count to 25
Count forward beginning with a given number (0-25)
Name numerals 0 - 5 out of sequence
Match quantities to numerals 0 - 5
Write numerals 0 - 5 (no reversals)
Order numerals 0 - 5
Decompose (separate) numbers 0-5 into two parts
Sort by color, size, shape, kind
Name penny
Identify the position of objects
Name & describe in the environment two-dimensional shapes:
circle, oval, square, rectangle,
triangle, diamond, hexagon, trapezoid
Create and compose two-dimensional shapes
Identify book elements
Name all 26 uppercase letters in random order
Name all 26 lowercase letters in random order
Recognize rhyming words
Understand syllables
Read sight words
Write first name correctly

Second Nine Weeks Skills
Count to 50
Count forward beginning with a given number (0-50)
Name numerals 0 - 10 out of sequence
Match quantities to numerals 0 - 10
Write numerals 0 - 10 (no reversals)
Order numerals 0 - 10
Compare numerals and sets 0-10 to determine same/more/less
Skip count by 10’s to 100
Decompose (separate) numbers 0-10 into two parts
Name nickel/penny
Copy and extend patterns
Name and describe in the environment three-dimensional shapes:
sphere, cube, cone, cylinder
Create and compare three-dimensional shapes
Identify story elements: character
Produce rhyming words
Read sight words
Identify beginning sound
Identify letter sounds (uppercase and lowercase)
Mm, Tt, Aa, Ss, Pp, Cc, Ii, Bb, Nn, Rr, Dd, Kk
Write the letter for each sound (see above)
Write first and last name correctly
Correctly form upper- and lowercase letters (no reversals)
Mm, Tt, Aa, Ss, Pp, Cc, Ii, Bb, Nn, Rr, Dd, Kk
Draw/dictate/write to state an opinion
Form plural nouns
Identify opposites

Third Nine Weeks Skills
Count to 75
Count forward beginning with a given number (0-75)
Name numerals 0 - 20 out of sequence
Match quantities to numerals 0 - 20
Write numerals 0 - 20 (no reversals)
Order numerals 0 - 20
Skip count by 10’s and 5’s to 100
Compose (construct) numbers 11-19 into tens and ones
Decompose (separate) numbers 11-19 into tens and ones
Name dime/nickel/penny
Tell time to the hour
Describe and compare length and weight
Classify and graph
Identify story elements: character, setting
Read sight words
Identify ending sound
Identify letter sounds (uppercase and lowercase)
Mm, Tt, Aa, Ss, Pp, Cc, Ii, Bb, Nn, Rr, Dd, Kk, Ff, Oo,
Hh, Ll, Gg
Write the letter for each sound (see above)
Blend/segment onsets and rimes
Correctly form upper- and lowercase letters: (no reversals)
M, T, A, S, P, C, I, B, N, R, D, K, F, O, H, L, G
Draw/dictate/write to give information
Use nouns and verbs
Use prepositions when speaking or writing
Identify multiple meanings for familiar words

Fourth Nine Weeks Skills
Count to 100
Count forward beginning with a given number (0-100)
Skip count by 10’s, 5’s to 100 and 2’s to 20
Solve addition/subtraction story problems 0-10
using manipulatives
Solve addition problems within 10 using manipulatives
Solve subtraction problems within 10 using manipulatives
Find the missing addend to make 10
Fluently add and subtract within 5
Name quarter/dime/ nickel/penny
Identify story elements: character, setting, plot
Read sight words
Identify medial sound
Identify letter sounds (uppercase and lowercase)
Mm, Tt, Aa, Ss, Pp, Cc, Ii, Bb, Nn, Rr, Dd, Kk, Ff, Oo,
Hh, Ll, Gg, Ee, Ww, Jj, Xx, Uu, Vv, Zz, Yy, Qq
Write the letter for each sound (see above)
Use letter-sound matches to decode simple words
Add or substitute sounds to make new words
Correctly form upper- and lowercase letters (no reversals)
M, T, A, S, P, C, I, B, N, R, D, K, F, O, H, L, G,
E, W, J, X, U, V, Z, Y, Q
Draw/dictate/write to tell a story
Understand and use question words
Recognize sentence structure: capitalization, punctuation
Write CVC words from dictation
Uses inflections and affixes