School Profile
Bon Lin Elementary is an accredited public school within the Bartlett City Schools system. The school serves approximately 840 students in grades Pre-School through Fifth grade with a faculty and a support staff numbering 87. Located in Bartlett, Tennessee, a suburb of the greater Memphis area, the school facility, built in 2005, is a single story, air-conditioned building. Features include a data/PLC room, cafetorium, gymnasium, science lab, computer labs, library-media center, classrooms designed specifically for art and music, and special education classrooms for both enrichment and remediation.
General School Information
Special Education: Please refer to the Bartlett Schools Home Page for specific requirements to receive Special Education Services.
ESL: A variety of services are available to meet the needs of students who speak English as a second language. Access to technology and varied instructional strategies, methods and activities assist the classroom teachers in meeting the needs of limited English proficient students.
Visitors on Campus: To maintain adequate security, all visitors or parents must check in through the school office and receive a visitor's name badge before entering other parts of the building.
School Calendar: Please refer to Bartlett City Schools homepage for the current school year's calendar.
School Office
The school office is open each school day from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm. Please drop by, or call 937-2344, if the office staff can be of assistance.
Change of Address/Phone Number
To ensure your child's safety, the school must have accurate information---and be able to reach parents quickly---in the event of an emergency. Please report any change of address and/or phone number(s) to the school office immediately.
Open House
The entire family is invited to come to school for Open House. Your child will enjoy showing you around the school, introducing you to all their teachers, and showing all of their accomplishments.
Field Trips
Parent permission is required when students are taken off the school campus. If your child has not returned the permission slip required for a field trip, he/she will not be permitted to go. Students who are not able to attend field trips with their class will be assigned to another classroom for the day. Please note that younger siblings are not allowed to accompany students on field trips. This is a special time for the school-age child. Parent chaperones must provide their own transportation. All students are required to ride Bartlett City school buses.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled twice during the school year. Fall and spring conferences can be scheduled at the request of either the parent or the teacher. In many cases, parent/teacher conferences offer sufficient opportunity for communication; however if necessary, additional school/home contacts may be required.
Contact via E-mail
E-mail is the best way to contact your child's teacher. You will find teacher E-mail links on teacher web pages. You may also call the school office and leave a message (although playing "phone tag" may prove frustrating), or send a note with your child.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued four times during the school year. Student evaluations will be completed in October, December, March, and June.
A school yearbook is available for purchase. Be sure to order early, as the number of orders received determines how many yearbooks are printed.