Ms. Bomprezzi and Mrs. Gentry's Web Page
Ms. Bomprezzi, Mrs. Gentry
Class Page 8-7-22
Hello Parents,
My name is Sheila Bomprezzi. I have been teaching 5th grade at BLES since it opened in 2005. This is my 22nd year to teach. Please contact me if you ever have a question!
Welcome Students
We have a great year planned, and we are so excited to have you join our class. Fifth grade is a challenging year, but it is also a year of new opportunities! As a fifth grader, you may choose to participate in a variety of clubs, and have an opportunity to apply for a safety patrol position.. You will be the leaders of our school, and all the younger students will be following your example. It is an honor, but it is a responsibility as well. In class, we will perform science experiments, learn how to multiple and divide fractions, read interesting stories, and learn about the great battles of World Wars I and II. It is going to be a great yea, and we hope your last year in elementary school will be your best year ever!
Scholastic Book orders: To place an order directly use the code: HG4HL
This Week & Upcoming events: 1st week of school
Practice and Challenge- Canvas and our emails will inform you of upcoming tests, but students are expected to write down daily detailed assignments in their agendas.
(Always check our students' agendas for the most up to date info.)
Lunch is at 11:00am
Monday - Art
Tues. - Guidance/Library
Wed. - PE
Thurs. PLC every third week -30 mins. PE each week
Friday Music